Conversion Rate Optimization

What Is
Conversion Rate Optimization?

  • How easy is it for users to find things on your website?
  • Which elements on your landing page engage users and which ones distract them?
  • Do your CTAs prompt the desired action?
  • Is your content adding value to visitors’ experience?

If you have least doubt answering these questions, it’s time you take conversion rate optimization seriously.

Improve your website’s performance dramatically with Blue media’s CRO services

What Is
Conversion Rate Optimization?

You are successful in bringing a lot of traffic to your website, but if visitors are not doing what you ultimately want them to do on your website (such as buying a product, downloading a document, filling a form, subscribing to a service, etc.), all your efforts are basically going in vain.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) ensures that after catching customers’ attention, you also succeed in making them perform the actions that are relevant to your business growth and sales. CRO practices incorporate smart implementation of design & psychological elements and involve various lead conversion strategies that collectively persuade or help users in performing the desired actions.

  • Reduce Customer Acquisition cost
  • Improve revenue per customer
  • Smoothen business growth

Stats :

  • Only 22% businesses are satisfied with their CR
  • Top companies spend > 5% of their budget on CRO
  • The average ROI on CRO is 223%

Still wondering how simple changes like these can lead to huge increase in conversions? Take a look at some of the research which proves it

  • Updated Design Can Increase your Conversion by


  • A copy That is Action Oriented And Aims at Solving a Problem can increase Your Conversions By as High As


  • A one Second Delay In web Page Loading Time Can result In a Reduction In Conversions By


  • Changing the color or your CTA to make It more Promininent can increase your Conversions By


  • Just By Redesigning The Website Flow And Making It Easier For Visitors To Navigate Increased the Conversions By


Don't miss out on the benefits of conversion rate optimization

Conversion Optimization
Services We Offer

  • Conversion
    Rate Analysis

  • Call-to-Action

  • Information Architecture

  • User Experience

  • Landing Page

  • A/B Testing

  • Shopping Cart

Conversion Rate Analysis

Conversion rate analysis is imperative to determine areas & scope of optimization in a system. With ever changing dynamics, even the best converting systems need a conversion check every once in a while. Our Conversion Rate Experts do a thorough analysis of a website’s conversion funnel and build a clear roadmap citing directions to increase website conversions. It furthers includes,

  • Analytics Study
  • Navigation Structure Analysis
  • Visual elements Analysis
  • Performing intermediate actions, etc.

After identifying pitfalls in every area, it’s time to form a strategy to fix errors, and improve the overall digital experience of the website. As a leading CRO agency, we focus on converting more and more site visitors into paying customers.

Call-to-Action Optimization

The final interaction point between users & your web system, call to action (CTA) is a tricky little area with big control on lead conversion rate. The science of CTAs is all about design, user psychology, and the effectiveness of the message you put upon it. To boost conversion rate, everything matters like, how are CTAs positioned; what’s their color, shape, size; is the message impactful . We analyze and optimize calls to action based on a range of parameters to ensure that the website gets high conversions.

Information Architecture Optimization

Information architecture lays the foundation for your website navigation so it’s role is crucial in converting leads into customers. How easily a customer is able to find useful information or preferred options on a website entirely depends upon this part.

By understanding the business goals of a website and defining the customer journey for target audience, our CRO specialists put things in a logical progression, and architect the optimum navigation for a website that naturally guides users to visit pages or perform actions, which a business wants them to.

User Experience Optimization

User experience optimization is the ultimate tool we have to ensure that a web system gels up well with its target audience; and generates the desired conversion rate.

From website navigation to system’s performance; content readability/graphic visibility to their impact; taking a bird-eye view of the entire conversion funnel and analyzing each element it comprises, we decide which CRO implementations require enhancements, and which should stay intact.

Landing Page Optimization

Landing page is the face of your website. Besides looking good it should also work well – by conveying the right message to users at the right place.

Is it a complementary to the marketing copy? Do page structure, layout design & content flow – all elements facilitate conversion? Does it have trust building elements? Does the lead capture form have optimum length? –While delivering Conversion rate optimization services, our team helps clients address all such concerns with our proven landing page optimization practices.

A/B Testing

When it comes to design, the road to the ideal choice is always through a series of hit & trials instances; and that’s what A/B or split testing is all about.

Our experience in the web designing & internet marketing industry makes us competent enough to pick up the most relevant design test cases for a given project, which saves client time & money. We analyze each test case on all crucial conversion parameters to determine the ideal one.

Shopping Cart Optimization

On an average, the value of abandoned cart is 3 times the revenue generated by an ecommerce store. Cart abandonment cannot be discarded altogether, but it can be controlled.

We offer this ecommerce-focused CRO service to help online store reach their true conversion potential. Taking web security, robustness & intuitiveness of the system, and other key factors into account, we implement frictionless checkout to help ecommerce sites reduce cart abandonment rate considerably.

Process of
Conversion Rate Optimization

  • Set Objective

  • Data Collection

  • Data Analysis

  • Hypothesis

  • Designing

  • Website Building

  • Testing & Improvement

  • Result Analyis

Reach your true conversion potential with Blue media’s CRO services

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